How to try out extensions by JamieD132

If you want to try out a Scratch extension that I have created, this is the tutorial for you. If you already know how to try out javascript extensions for TurboWarp, feel free to do it without this tutorial.

Current extensions made by me:

- Elaruu: facts and stats


1. Download the extension

All of my extensions have a page in which you can download them from. You can find that page at*extension name*.html. For example if you want to try out the elaruu extension, go to

2. Upload to TurboWarp

These extensions are currently not accessible by Scratch, so instead we will have to upload them to TurboWarp. To do this, go to the TurboWarp editor. In the bottom left corner, select the plus icon as you would to normally upload an extension to Scratch. From the menu, scroll down until you find the extension: 'load custom extension'. Once you click on it, go to the file tab on the menu and press 'no file selected'. From this, you can upload the extension you just downloaded. If you want all the blocks to work properly, tick 'run unsandboxed' before you press load!! After you press load, you should be able to try out the new blocks.

Alternative methods

1. Upload from URL

In the TurboWarp editor, press the plus icon in the bottom left corner. From the list, find the extension: 'load custom extension'. Once you click on it, enter the URL from the extension you want to load. The URL would be*extension name*.js. For example, if you wanted to load the elaruu extension, the URL would be Once you enter the URL, press load and you should be able to try out the new blocks. NOTE: Loading from URL means the extension is ran sandboxed, so not all blocks will work! Try another method if you want all blocks to work!

2. Copy and paste the code

First find the URL for the source code of the extension you want to load. Check out alternative method 2 to learn how. Visit the URL, and copy all of the code to your clipboard. Then visit the TurboWarp editor. In the bottom left corner select the plus icon and from there, select the extension: 'load custom extension'. Click on the 'text' tab in this menu. In the input box, paste all of the code you copied earlier. If you understand JavaScript, feel free to edit the code for your needs. If you want all the blocks to work properly, tick 'run unsandboxed' before you press load!! After you press load, you should be able to try out the new blocks.


If you use ANY of these blocks in your Scratch projects, you will break the backwards compatibility between your project and Scratch. These blocks are for testing only! These blocks are also subject to change, and if a certain change happens, any Scratch project you use these blocks in will become corrupt and inaccessible by Scratch, AND TurboWarp! Due to this, make sure you delete every block you drag into the editor.
In the future, these extensions will be complete and you can use them without worrying about corrupting your projects.

About the author

JamieD132 is a curious cross-bred swiss and parmesan cheese wedge. He loves owls and pizza but not owls and pizza because that would be disgusting. JamieD132 has no bones and no neck! JamieD132 is famous for starting a great chatroom, elaruu. Learn more about elaruu here. JamieD132 also has a pet pumpkin!